Madison Farley on transferring to weightlifting
Historically, sport transfer has been a common route into competitive weightlifting, and has produced some of BWL’s top performing athletes, with Emily Campbell and Zoe Smith being just a couple. Athletes tend to transfer to weightlifting from many sports such as judo, gymnastics, athletics, CrossFit and more.
Madison Farley will be making her international debut at the 2023 European Weightlifting Federation (EWF) Junior and Under 23 Championships, having transferred to weightlifting just nine months ago.
- What sport did you do before weightlifting?
I have done competitive sports since I was younger, Gymnastics, Trampolining and then CrossFit which has weightlifting within.
- How did you find out about weightlifting?
I learnt about weightlifting through CrossFit which I had picked up when some of my family had started at our local CrossFit gym. I got hooked quickly with the competitive aspect and all the new skills to try and perfect, one of which was weightlifting.
- What made you switch to weightlifting?
Weightlifting quickly became my favourite part about CrossFit. I used to excel at the weightlifting workouts at competitions but fell short in the other aspects so they had become my main focus in training. I soon realised that I only wanted to work on weightlifting and see how far I can push myself.
- How have you found the talent transfer programme so far?
Working with the BWL Coaches through the Talent Transfer Programme has really benefited in all aspects of training and how to approach competitions. I’ve been able to learn more about competitions and the best way to prepare for them, ways to approach training better and overall ways to become a better weightlifter.
- You recently set a British record at the England Age Group Championships, how did it feel to make the lift?
It was so much fun to hit a record within England Age Groups, and it was even more exciting for me as it was under my Personal Best C&J. So I know I can lift heavier at the next competition and beat my record.
- Congratulations on your recent selection to the EWF European Juniors and Under 23 Championships! To give people an idea of what it takes to go to an international, what does your training look like at the minute?
Thank You!
Training has started ramping up, it has been steady the last month due to an injury so I have been slowly building up the training. I’m really enjoying my training leading up to this competition. The weights are now creeping up to my PBs which is a nice confidence booster leading into the EWF European Juniors and U23 Championships. With this being my first international, my focus is to perform the best I can and see where the starting point is to progress from in the future at many more international competitions.
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