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British Weight Lifting is committed to promoting the safety and welfare of children and adults at risk engaged in the sport at all levels.

Our Views on Safeguarding

We have developed a set of principles and aim to contribute to safeguarding children and adults at risk by:

  • Applying the principles and practices in ‘Working Together 2020’
  • Influencing and advocating at a strategic level
  • Implementing and demonstrating best safeguarding practices, and passing on this knowledge to all those involved in our sport
  • Working with partners to establish and implement safeguarding standards across the sport
  • Ensuring that all individuals and organisations that are funded or commissioned to provide services for children and young are effectively addressing safeguarding
  • Maximising our influence to promote safeguarding practice and principles within our wider partnership roles and relationships

What good safeguarding practice looks like:

The COACH Model helps you to remember what good coaching practice should look like:

C - ONSIDER all lifters and encourage them to enjoy our sport

O - FFER constructive comments and support and be open and approachable at all times

A - LWAYS adhere to our coaching code of conduct, putting athletes needs first

C - REATE an inclusive and safe environment 

H - ELP everyone to reach their full potential, regardless of their ability  


BWL Codes of conducts

Code of Conduct - Lifter

Code of Conduct - Coach

Code of Conduct - Official

Code of Conduct - Parent

Code of Conduct - Spectator

Code of Conduct - Volunteer

BWL Downloadable Club Posters


Safeguarding Poster

Play Safe Stay Safe Poster

Safety Online Poster

Club Welfare Officer Poster

BWL Downloadable Club Documents

Club  Welfare Officer Guidance

Safeguarding Adults

Safeguarding plan template

Running a safe club 

Reporting a concern

Often within safeguarding there is no clear right or wrong. It can be difficult to make a decision on how to act, if you have any concerns about a child or adult at risk, this should be reported using the BWL procedures.

Within BWL we have policies of how to report abuse within and outside our sport, just simply click here for information

If you are ever in doubt you can contact BWL’s Lead Safeguarding officer Sue Ward . You can also contact (at any time) the NSPCC Helpline – or call 0800 800 5000

Safeguarding Training

There are two main safeguarding courses. The first course is called Safeguarding & Protecting Children which is designed for all those working with young people while the second, Time to Listen, is specifically for Club Welfare Officers.

For more information on the workshops, how to attend and refresher training please click here

There are several organisations that offer safeguarding workshops, but these must be deemed suitable by the Child Protection in Sport Unit to be accepted.

If you are unsure whether a workshop that you have attended is recognised, please check by contacting BWL’s Lead Safeguarding officer Sue Ward

Refresher Training

Due to frequent changes in legislation, members must renew their 3-hour face-to-face training every three years.

Are Online Courses Accepted for updating your knowledge after 3 year?

Members must attend a physical workshop; this is due to the nature of the issues and the need to discuss them to explore different scenarios and the boundaries of acceptable behaviour.  It can only be done sufficiently in a workshop setting facilitated by an experienced tutor.

Annual refresher course

We have created a CPD course to help keep your safeguarding knowledge up to date between your 3-year face to face courses. Please check our eLearning courses here

Further questions

If you have any questions about safeguarding training requirements please email BWL’s Lead Safeguarding officer Sue Ward

Disclosure & Barring Service

Welfare officers and all coaches must have an active Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, this establishes if the person is considered suitable to work with children and vulnerable adults.

The DBS process

DBS checks are valid for two years from date of issue or the date of an online service update check by British Weight Lifting. All adults who wish to continue to work in a role which requires a DBS check must renew their application prior to its expiry after two years.

If an individual, working in a role which requires a DBS check, receives a conviction or a caution for any offence, they must notify British Weight Lifting within 28 days of the date of the conviction or caution. They will usually be required to complete a new DBS check.

How to apply for a DBS check


To apply for a British Weight Lifting DBS certificate, you must first apply for a Coach licence through your BWL account. BWL will then assess your application and if required, will set up a DBS application through online checking company, First Advantage. You will be required to 1) complete an online application through First Advantage and 2) submit ID documents to BWL for verification – the DBS will not be processed until both steps have been completed.

Welfare Officer

You must upload your safeguarding qualification to Sport 80. You will then be contacted by BWL to progress your DBS application through online checking company, First Advantage if required.

Welfare Officer Network

The Sport Welfare Officer Network (SWO Network) is a Sport England initiative providing local safeguarding support to clubs. Each Sport Welfare Officer (SWO) offers professional guidance to help Club Welfare Officers ensure safe and inclusive environments for all members.

The network consists of 63 dedicated Sport Welfare Officers across 43 Active Partnerships, all working closely with Sport England, National Governing Bodies (NGBs), and key partners to ensure best practices in safeguarding.

Find Your Local Officer: Active Partnerships Website

Need support? Contact


PLEASE NOTE: Government guidelines for DBS checks are currently stating that they can take up to 90 days to be completed.

A DBS check costs £15.30 which is First Advantage’s admin fee.

BWL accepts existing DBS checks provided they are 1) of an Enhanced level and 2) are registered on the online update service. You will be required to submit a copy of your DBS certificate to authorise BWL to check your existing DBS on the update service.

For those living in Northern Ireland, DBS checks will be processed by Access NI and have an admin fee of £10.00.

Referrals to the Safeguarding Case Management Group

If British Weight Lifting is notified of disclosures on an applicant’s DBS check which require a risk assessment before clearance, the matter will be referred to a Safeguarding Case Management Group (SCMG) for determination by the SCMG.

However, the Lead Safeguarding Officer has the power to determine that disclosures on an applicant’s DBS check do not require a risk assessment, by virtue of the fact that they are not sufficiently serious, and the individual can be cleared to continue in their role upon notification.

Where an applicant’s DBS disclosures are referred to the SCMG, the applicant cannot commence or continue in a role requiring a DBS check until such time as a decision as to their suitability has been made.

Useful Safeguarding links


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