As the United Kingdom's Governing Body for Weightlifting, we are dedicated to supporting our Home Nations and their role in growing the profile of our sport. By delivering events, initiatives and programmes, these organisations make an invaluable contribution to the weightlifting community.
For the latest updates on England Weight Lifting and The England group visit
Commonwealth Games In Number 2018
Weightlifting Wales is responsible for all aspects of the sport in Wales; from grassroots development through to elite level competitions. The organisation delivers a variety of programmes and initiatives that have seen the sport grow significantly, including organising the European and Commonwealth Championships in Cardiff, as well as the famous Silver Dragon International Tournaments and World Cup.
To find out more about Weightlifting Wales click here.
Weightlifting Scotland is the National Governing Body for the sport of weightlifting in Scotland. The organisation is dedicated to all things weightlifting and continues to support an established network of athletes, coaches, officials, clubs and supporters throughout Scotland. The NGB also delivers a variety of events, competitions and programmes which have been an invaluable in driving the growth of the sport across the country.
To find out more about Weightlifting Scotland click here
Northern Ireland Weightlifting exists to promote the sport of Olympic Weight Lifting and Para-Powerlifting in Northern Ireland. The organisation aims to promote the use of weights as a means to improve physical health and sporting excellence by developing the teaching of weightlifting and weight training.
To find out more about Northern Ireland Weightlifting click here.
For the latest updates on Jersey Weightlifting please click here
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