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If you are planning to run your first, or your one hundred and first competition this page has a wide range of information, resources and extra support to help you deliver a high-quality weightlifting competition.

Overview of British Weight Lifting competition programme

There are three Tiers of competition in the UK forming the BWL competition programme:

Tier 1 – British

Every British Championship event is a Tier 1 competition, the highest level of competition in the UK.  These competitions are organised directly by British Weight Lifting.  All Tier 1 competitions have qualification standards to take part, you can achieve these standards at any Tier 2 or Tier 3 competition.

Tier 2 – Home Nation

Each UK Home Nation is responsible for its own national championships, these competitions make up Tier 2.  All Tier 2 competitions hold equal standing across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.  Most Tier 2 competitions have qualification standards to take part.

Tier 3 – Club

Any club with a ‘Licensed Club’ affiliation to BWL or a Home Nation federation can apply to run a Tier 3 competition.  Every Tier 3 event is held to the same set of minimum requirements to ensure a good standard of competition wherever you lift in the UK.

These competitions form the majority of the competitions in the calendar, and they all act as qualifiers to Tier 2 and Tier 1 championships.

Tier 4 – Hybrid Events

Any affiliated Club, Partner Gym or Partner School can apply to run a Tier 4 competition.  These competitions are bespoke, flexible events to cater to a wider audience, and are particularly useful for individuals and groups new to lifting. Lifters aren’t required to be British Weight Lifting members. Please refer to the Tier 4 – Organiser Guide to find out how to prepare and register a Tier 4 competition.

What are the benefits of hosting a Tier 3 competition?

Tier 3 Competitions are important events for the weightlifting community, by hosting one you can:

  • Support local athletes – give them platform experience and totals
  • Create a positive experience for volunteers and the community
  • Raise funds for your club’s running costs - entry fees are usually the main source of income
  • Provide athletes with qualification opportunities for Tier 1 and 2 events
  • Promote awareness of your club

How can my club host a Tier 3 competition?

Read our ‘Club Guide: How to Host a Tier 3 Event’ for a detailed explanation of what goes into organising a competition, within this you’ll find further information about:

  • The Tier 3 Event Checklist
  • Venue Requirements
  • Equipment Requirements
  • Risk Assessment
  • Safeguarding Officer
  • Anti-Doping Liaison
  • Recruit Technical Officials, Loaders and Other Volunteers
  • Managing the Entries and Preparing for the Event Day
  • The Event Day
  • Processing the Results
  • Setting-up a Stripe Account on Sport:80
  • Registering a Tier 3 Weightlifting Event on Sport:80
  • The Tier 3 Competition Results Processing Guide for Sport:80


Additional Resources:

Guide to Filling in a Risk Assessment 

Template Risk Assessment

Template Technical Official Duty Rota

Template for Recording Results


Competition FAQ

Terms and Conditions

Check the latest terms and conditions for organising a Tier 3 competition here

Ready to organise a competition?  


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