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British Weight Lifting is committed to promoting the safety and welfare of adults, adults at risk, children and young people engaged in the sport at all levels and ensuring everyone will be treated fairly and equally. We do not condone discrimination on the grounds of sex, age, disability, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy or maternity or marital or civil partnership, gender reassignment or social status.

Reporting a concern

To report a concern please use the following link:

Report a concern


We have developed a set of principles and aim to contribute to safeguarding by:

  • Applying the principles and practices in ‘Working Together 2023’
  • Influencing and advocating at a strategic level
  • Implementing and demonstrating best safeguarding practices, and passing on this
    knowledge to all those involved in our sport
  • Working with partners to establish and implement safeguarding standards across
    the sport
  • Ensuring that all individuals and organisations that are funded or commissioned
    to provide services for children and young are effectively addressing safeguarding
  • Maximising our influence to promote safeguarding.

To read our summary safeguarding policy please click here.

However you participate in the sport of weightlifting you have a role in keeping children and young people safe. British Weight Lifting have produced a series of Codes of Conducts to follow: 

Code of Conduct - Lifter

Code of Conduct - Coach

Code of Conduct - Official

Code of Conduct - Parent

Code of Conduct - Spectator

Code of Conduct - Volunteer

If you have any safeguarding concerns or would like further advice please contact our Safeguarding Lead - Sue Ward - via email: or telephone: 01132 249 402.

Safeguarding should be a top priority in your club. Clubs have a responsibility for the safety and welfare of lifters, coaches, volunteers, officials and visitors. This responsibility applies to all clubs, regardless of their size or structure. The following guidance will help protect all involved, from your club to those who participate in it. 

Running a safe club

Club Welfare Officer guidance pack

Social media guidance 

Every child and young person has the right to be safe. British Weight Lifting have produced some guidance to help you with maximising every opportunity to help those in your care. 

Safeguarding children and remote weightlifting coaching

Staying safe online: a guide for teens and young adults

Child Sexual Exploitation and How to Keep your Child Safe

The NSPCC and CPSU have released an animation looking at how children and young people can be further protected around their training sessions at your club.

Watch the video here:



Safeguarding deaf and disabled young people

Safeguarding talented and elite athletes

Safeguarding LGBT+ young people

Guidance around transgender young people

Further guidance for the LGBT+ community


Here are a selection of useful links and resources for extra support and guidance:

Under 18 and looking for some help?

You can call Childline direct to talk about anything that is worrying you. They are open 24/7 and talking to them is totally free.  Call 0800 1111 or visit their website: where you can have a 1-2-1 chat online or send an email to one of their counsellors.

You can also call the NSPCC on a free helpline number: 0808 800 5000 or email  - they are open 7 days a week and can provide you with lots of confidential advice and support.

We have also produced a leaflet, which provides lots of helpful information when accessing the internet and social media.  Click here to read Stay Safe Online

We are committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment and accept our responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all adults involved in Weightlifting and Para powerlifting in accordance with the Care Act 2014.  Please read our policy

Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedure

British Weight Lifting work with The Ann Craft Trust, a leading UK authority on safeguarding adults,  The Ann Craft Trust are signposting people to the dangers of online abuse and, how to protect vulnerable people you know and tips to avoid Coronavirus scams. Read more here. 

To report a concern please use the following link:

Report a concern


Reporting a concern can be an intimidating process so BWL have put together some helpful guides to follow. 

Reporting concerns outside the sport

Reporting concerns within the sport

Responding to concerns from a young person

Safeguarding disciplinary guidelines and process

Whistle blowing policy

If you have any safeguarding concerns or would like further advice please contact our Safeguarding Lead - Sue Ward - via email: or telephone: 01132 249 402.

The Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) have online courses available to start or continue your safeguarding education.

See their upcoming calendar here. 

The Sport Welfare Officer Network (SWO Network) is a Sport England initiative providing local safeguarding support to clubs. Each Sport Welfare Officer (SWO) offers professional guidance to help Club Welfare Officers ensure safe and inclusive environments for all members.

The network consists of 63 dedicated Sport Welfare Officers across 43 Active Partnerships, all working closely with Sport England, National Governing Bodies (NGBs), and key partners to ensure best practices in safeguarding.

Find Your Local Officer: Active Partnerships Website

Need support? Contact

Here are a number of useful websites with further safeguarding advice:



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