Join the hundreds of weightlifting clubs across the country that have access and support to exclusive perks only available from a British Weight Lifting membership.
Become an Affiliated Club
Are you part of a gym, university or community group with a passion for weightlifting?
Affiliate your group with British Weight Lifting for an unbeatable price of £35 / year and become part of the national lifting community.
The benefits of affiliating your club with British Weight Lifting:
BWL Club Certificate and logo - To display in your venue, on your website and social media
Recognition - As an officially recognised BWL club, you’ll improve your standing to gain the trust of new participants, access funding, build partnerships with schools and community organisations, and win contracts to deliver activities locally.
Club Finder – Your club will be displayed on British Weightlifting’s Club Finder
Partner Discounts - Exclusive offers from our partners Eleiko and Sport & Fitness Flooring.
Eligibility to Host a BWL Event – Host an event for your community and raise income for your club.
FREE Technical Official Training - As an affiliated club you have access to 3 free places on our online Level 2 Technical Official (Olympic Weightlifting) course, to help you host weightlifting events.
Support - Need support to develop your club, or just want to discuss your ideas? We can provide you support on club governance, running a competition, training your coaches, gaining funding, sharing contacts, facility and equipment information, dealing with a safeguarding concern, and listening to your challenges and ideas.
Latest News - Our Club Newsletter gives the latest news for the club community
Feature in our Newsletters and Social Media - Share your news and stories with us and get featured in our newsletters or social media.
BWL Club Insurance – Your club will be covered under the terms of BWL’s policy.
To be become an affiliated club you’ll need to meet the minimum standards.
Head Coach (Compulsory)
Requirement |
Evidence |
Club Lifter or Unattached Lifter BWL Membership |
Valid membership on your BWL membership account. This is accessible through our member login. (Please note Supporter Membership is not accepted). |
Coaching certificate uploaded to your BWL membership account. |
Safeguarding training |
Evidenced by having a 3-hour qualification with a certificate uploaded to your BWL membership account. (Please note the qualification must be face-to-face or virtual classroom, e-learning qualifications will not be accepted). We recommend: UK Coaching’s Safeguarding & Protecting Children workshop. |
Valid Coach Licence displayed on your BWL membership account. |
Valid background check displayed on your BWL membership account. You’ll be contacted by BWL with further information about how to obtain this when you apply for a Coach Licence. |
Welfare Officer (Compulsory)
The role of Club Welfare Officer and Head Coach can’t be fulfilled by the same person.
Requirement |
Evidence |
Club Lifter or Unattached Lifter BWL Membership |
Valid membership on your BWL membership account. This is accessible through our member login. (Please note Supporter Membership is not accepted). |
Safeguarding training |
Evidenced by having a 3-hour qualification with a certificate uploaded to your BWL membership account. (Please note the qualification must be face-to-face or virtual classroom, e-learning qualifications will not be accepted). We recommend: UK Coaching’s Safeguarding & Protecting Children workshop. |
Valid background check displayed on your BWL membership account. You’ll be contacted by BWL with further information about how to obtain this when you upload your Safeguarding certificate to your account and register as a Welfare Officer. |
Secretary (Advisory)
Requirement |
Evidence |
Supporter, Club Lifter or Unattached Lifter BWL Membership |
Valid membership on your BWL membership account. This is accessible through our member login. |
Safeguarding training (advisory) |
Evidenced by having a 3-hour qualification with a certificate uploaded to your BWL membership account. (Please note the qualification must be face-to-face or virtual classroom, e-learning qualifications will not be accepted). We recommend: UK Coaching’s Safeguarding & Protecting Children workshop. |
Club Constitution
Requirement |
Evidence |
Club Constitution |
Displayed in your gym or made available to your members. A club constitution is a simple document that outlines how the club will function. Having a constitution is one of the basics that funding organisations will expect to see if you are applying for a grant. |
Requirement |
Evidence |
Agreement |
By affiliating a club, you agree to British Weight Lifting’s Terms and Conditions |
British Weight Lifting’s aim is to offer support for clubs to grow and develop and can advise on grants and awards available to enhance their equipment, facilities and coaching qualifications. British Weight Lifting will also offer assistance to new clubs who want to set up and will advise on any grants available as well as putting them in touch with the local County Sports Partnership who can also assist with the setting up and development of clubs.
Did you know? Any club or group that offers a sport or activity has a legal responsibility for safeguarding. The good news is, as an affiliated club you have access to readymade resources from BWL and support to help you.
How to Affiliate your Club
Step 1: Set up your Club
- Login to your membership profile
- Click ‘Set up Club’
- Follow the onscreen instructions to enter your Club’s details
- This includes your roles within the club, club name, logo (optional), venue address and postal address
Step 2: Purchase BWL Club Membership
You’ll need the Membership Number, Name, E-mail, and Date of Birth of individuals fulfilling key roles in the club.
- On the Club Profile, click ‘Add BWL Club Membership’ and enter some more details about your club
- This includes type of club, payment method, role details of other individual’s involved in the management of your club, and details of how you’d like your club to be promoted
- ‘Checkout’ to complete the process.
Step 3: Review
Your club application is reviewed by BWL and upon approval you’ll receive a confirmation email.
If your club is showing as ‘Suspended’ this is most commonly because:
- The payment hasn’t gone through
- The Roles for Club Coach and Club Welfare Officer haven’t been assigned
- The Coach or Welfare Officer haven’t met the minimum requirements to fulfil their role
For any questions about affiliating your club please email
Further guidance:
Role Description for Welfare / Safeguarding Officer
Club Guide - Constitution Template
DBS Process
Funding Partner
Funding Partner
Official Partner
Official Partner
Official Equipment Partner
Official Partner
Funding Partner
Official Strategic Partner
Official Strategic Partner
Official Strategic Partner
Official Partner
Official Photography Agency
Official ELearning Partner
Official Awarding Organisation
Official Course Endorsement
Official Partner
Weight Lifting Foundation Charity
CJC Gains