2022 British Masters at Bangor University
A British Masters competition took place at the weekend with 130 lifters taking part.
There was some great lifting and many British masters records broken and British Weight Lifting would like to extend our congratulations to everyone who took part.
Just a few highlights from the weekend…
Samantha Travis broke British records in the snatch and clean and jerk. Adam Travis came from 11kg behind and on his last lift jumped 12kg to pull out the win. Bryn Jones won his age and category with new British records in both lifts. Rebecca Cheslett won her category and age group by 1kg.
Eddie Halstead, Competitions and Logistics Manager for British Weight Lifting was at the event as a Technical Official and said this about it, “The 2022 British Masters at Bangor was a great competition. There was a good set up at the venue and the competition ran smoothly for all lifters taking part.”
Sadly, Brian Whitely a well-respected lifter who secured a gold medal at the British Masters passed away following the event. British Weight Lifting would like to send our deepest condolences to Brian’s family and friends during this difficult time.
For more information on the event please visit https://www.britishmasterswl.com/
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