Building safer clubs: Supporting club welfare across England
The Sport England-funded initiative ensures new clubs can establish strong safeguarding and welfare practices from the start. This network supports National Governing Bodies (NGBs) and their local clubs to promote good practice and safer sport for all.
The SWO Network consists of 63 dedicated Sport Welfare Officers (SWOs) across 43 Active Partnerships, working closely with Sport England and key partners to develop local approaches to assisting and supporting Club Welfare Officers.
To lead and maintain strong connections, the initiative has a Strategic Lead for Welfare and a Programme Manager dedicated to overseeing the network’s impact and operations.
How Can the SWO Network Help?
- One-to-one support for Club Welfare Officers.
- Club visits to develop safer and more inclusive cultures.
- Networking opportunities with other welfare officers.
- Training, learning, and signposting to key resources.
- Raising awareness through campaigns and local events.
Contact your local Sport Welfare Officer today: Find Your Officer.
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Official Strategic Partner
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Weight Lifting Foundation Charity
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