BWL will run a final qualification event in 2020 throughout December to support lifters to register an official Total.
BWL Winter Open
The BWL Winter Open was run as a virtual competition in December 2020, using the same system as Lockdown Lift Off and the Regional Open Series. The competition was open to all BWL members across the UK and classed as a Tier 3 event.
41 athletes from across the country battled it out in the BWL Virtual Winter Open as the event provided one last opportunity for athletes looking to make their mark on the 2020 ranking lists as well as providing a platform for qualification to future events.
To embrace the festive spirit, the BWL Winter Open saw a one-off relaxation of the BWL Tier 3 attire rules with lifters allowed to compete in festive themed fancy dress.
Outfits were required to show the elbows and knees clearly for officiating, for example loose or baggy trousers were not accepted as the referees would not have been able be to judge if the lifters’ knees were fully extended.
You can read an expanded roundup of the 2020 event and access the full results by clicking on the buttons below.
For more information contact British Weight Lifting by emailing or call 01132 249 402
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