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British Weight Lifting's Battle of the Barbell competition is a test of strength and endurance. Check out the competition details below including where to register to take part.

The competition is a pound for pound test too see who is the strongest. 

Following a five minute warm up, athletes will be given three minutes to complete as many clean and jerk reps as possible (AMRAP). 

During the AMRAP, a Technical Official will grant each rep either a 'rep' (good lift), 'press' (-10 points) or 'no lift' (0 points).

To generate a score, the following formula is used:

(Amount of reps x kg lifted) x Sinclair coefficient - point deductions


Athletes book a ten minute slot via the link below- this includes a 5 minute warm up and a three minute clean and jerk AMRAP.

enter the competition here

Please note: You must hold a valid Strength in Depth ticket.


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