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National Safeguarding Adults Week 2021

National Safeguarding Adults Week 2021 takes place between 15 – 21 November. It’s an opportunity for clubs and sports organisations to come together to raise awareness of important safeguarding issue, facilitate conversations and to raise awareness of safeguarding best practices.

National Safeguarding Adults Week 2021

British Weight Lifting is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment and accepts our responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all adults involved in weightlifting and para powerlifting in accordance with the Care Act 2014.

We have a comprehensive guide to safeguarding adults which is available to view here.

Safeguarding Adults Week- Events

To raise awareness during the week, the Ann Craft Trust are running a range of training sessions which you can sign up to below.

British Weight Lifting members and supporters based in Wales may be interested in additional regional events to the above that are hosted by the Welsh Safeguarding Boards. You can find out more information here which also contains how to access Welsh language versions of some of the resources in this article.



Useful Resources

Below are some more useful resources to help you raise awareness and start vital conversations.

Emotional Abuse and Safeguarding Mental Health

Emotional or psychological abuse may not include any physical or sexual assault. But its impact can be just as devastating. To find out more about what emotional abuse is please click here

Here are some other great resources which cover the topic of emotional abuse and safeguarding mental health:




The Power of Language

Language is vital in creating a positive culture and fostering inclusivity. Complex terminology and jargon can isolate individuals and result in people feeling excluded. In contrast, using respectful language can widen participation in services, organisations and communities. To find out more about respectful language please click here

Here is a list of resources which cover the topic of language :

  • The Power of Language in Safeguarding Practice-It is important that we take the time to reflect on the language we use and the impact this might have on those around us.  Check out this blog.
  • Explore the terminology resource from Sporting Equals. This guide starts  the  discussion  on  what  terminology and language  the  sport and physical  activity sector should use when dealing with or describing racial discrimination and inequality Download here. 
  • Read the guidance from Victim Support and The Children’s Society about appropriate language when working with young people subject to sexual exploitation. Download here. 
  • Language Creates Reality: How Becca’s community project is revolutionising language use in health and social care. Learn more.
  • End the Awkward- It can be difficult to know how to talk about disability. Explore these free resources that offer support and advice to help end the awkward! Discover more.
  • The Power of Language Poster View Here

Digital Safeguarding

Over the past year an increasing proportion of our lives from work and education to sport and activity has moved online. This is likely to continue to some extent, even as lockdown restrictions ease. We want to share the best practices in relation to how to create safe cultures online.

Here is a selection of resources which cover digital safeguarding:

  • The digital safeguarding resource pack. Download
  • Explore anintroduction to digital safeguarding guide which explains what digital safeguarding is and provides tips and advice for staying safe online.
  • Do you know how to support young people who have been abused online? Learn more. 
  • Safeguarding, Young People and Virtual Delivery: Creating Safer Online Spaces.  This piece explores how organisations can adapt their work to ensure everyone can access virtual events and activities safely. Learn more.
  • How to Stay Safe Online – Guidance for Adults and Young People with Learning Disabilities. Read more. 
  • Do you know how to spot the signs of digital scams? Learn more. 
  • Fnatics is one of the most successful Esports teams in the world. Cath Sykes, ACT’s Safeguarding Adults in Unregulated Sport and Activity Officer, chats with Fnatic’sAndrew Cooke about safeguarding in Esports. Listen here
  • What is cyber bullying?Read more. 
  • Digital Safeguarding Poster View Here



Adult Grooming

People can experience grooming and exploitation at any age and in a wide range of contexts. It is important to raise awareness about different types of grooming for instance, predatory marriage, financial fraud and radicalisation. We want to facilitate conversations about how to recognise the signs of grooming and how to respond to promote safer cultures.

Below is a list of key resources which cover adult grooming and how you can spot it:

  • How to spot the signs of adult grooming. Learn more. 
  • Athletes can become trapped into compliance because they trust and like, or even love, their abusers. Read more about Adult grooming in sport – If it feels wrong, it is wrong. 
  • An introduction to predatory marriage podcast. Listen here.
  • Look Closer – How to Spot the Signs of Abuse and Exploitation. Learn more. 
  • My Marriage My Choiceis a new website with information and resources for people at risk of, or currently experiencing forced, unlawful or predatory marriage.
  • Tricky Friends is a new animation, created by Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board, that helps people with learning disabilities understand true friendships.
  • Adult Grooming Poster View Here


Creating Safer Organisational Cultures

Creating safer organisational cultures is crucial for sports clubs and sports organisations. It focuses on including voices of people less likely to raise concerns and promoting reflection and learning in safeguarding practice to promote safer cultures.

Below is a list of resources which look at how safer organisational cultures can be created.

  • What is a safer culture?Learn more.
  • Explore a leisure industry checklist that helps clubs to develop a safer culture. Take a look. 
  • Test your safeguarding knowledge by completing the free safeguarding assessment. 
  • Learn about how you can participate in the Safer Culture Safer Sport campaign. Listen now.
  • Access safeguarding adults policy and procedure templates. Take a look.
  • Listen, Learn and Lead. How can you create a safer culture? Read more. 
  • Reporting and recording safeguarding issues is key to creating safer cultures. Learn more. 
  • Download training resources to support you with starting conversations about safeguarding best practice in your club.
  • Creating Safer Cultures Poster View Here

Safeguarding and You

Do you know what your role in safeguarding is? Safeguarding is for everyone. It is not just about knowing your role in an employment setting, but also knowing your role as a human being in everyday life to promote safer cultures in the community. It is important to highlight that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and everyone needs to play their part to effectively create safer cultures.

Here are some useful guides which look at the role everyone needs to play in safeguarding:

  • What is my role in safeguarding? Watch here.
  • The know how NCVO safeguarding hub. Access here.
  • Learn more about your role in safeguarding. Read more.
  • Sports and activity clubs are at the centre of communities. Watch this videoto learn more about safeguarding in sport.
  • Safeguarding and You Poster View Here

Find out more

For more information on safeguarding in relation to weightlifting and para powerlifting please visit our page here


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