International Women’s Day: Zoe Newson Q&A
For International Women’s Day here are the thoughts of Paralympic, Commonwealth and World Championship Medallist Zoe Newson.
How is your training going at the moment with the current lockdown restrictions?
Training is going ok at the minute lucky I can still do my training.
With all the uncertainty in the world, how are you managing to stay focussed and motivated?
Who knows when life will get back to normal again. Just stay focus and keep training. I just think of my family and my coaches and everyone who has helped me and support me.
What are your thoughts ahead of the Manchester World Cup and Tokyo 2020?
Just have to wait and see. With the rules changing anything can happen. I’m just focus on my training.
How do you plan on building upon on your previous international success to hit the ground running again?
Just keep training hard.
What is it like being a parent and balancing those responsibilities and experiences while still competing at a high level?
It is hard sometimes to balance being a parent and doing the sport. The hardest part is being away from Duncan. I hate being away from him.
When it comes to life who is your biggest inspiration?
I don’t know really lol. My sporting hero is Lionel Messi. I’m a massive Arsenal fan. I do love my football.
And finally, what advice would you give to someone who was new to para powerlifting and just starting out?
Just enjoy and have fun. It’s a lot of hard work but it is worth it travelling the world.
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