International Athletes Confirmed For British international Open
The British international Open will take place at The Ricoh Arena, Coventry between 7-9 June 2019 and we are delighted to announce the first five countries and athletes who have confirmed their place at the competition.
USA Weightlifting will be sending a team of 7 lifters to the Bronze level Olympic qualifier, the team is as follows:
*Entry Total
55kg Jessica Saxon 186kg*
59kg Sarabeth Jumper 200kg
64kg Kristin Pope 199kg
76kg Tayler Harris 207kg
81kg Phoebe Ng 204kg
81kg Brianna Sfamurri 215kg
87kg Juliana Riotto 234kg
South African lifter Mona Pretorious will be also making the journey, along with athletes from The Netherlands, Estonia and Belgium.
Confirmed countries and athletes include:
The United States of America
55kg Jessica Saxon 186kg
59kg Sarabeth Jumper 200kg
64kg Kristin Pope 199kg
76kg Tayler Harris 207kg
81kg Phoebe Ng 204kg
81kg Brianna Sfamurri 215kg
87kg Juliana Riotto 234kg
South Africa
64kg Mona Pretorius 175kg
+109kg Enzo Kuworge 380kg
102kg Leho Pent 320kg
+109kg Mart Seim 400kg
87kg Anna Vanbellinghen 225kg
Over the coming days we will be releasing details of further countries and athletes who are set to compete at The Ricoh Arena.
Entries will remain open for the below competitions until Friday 3 May at 2355
2019 British Para Powerlifting Championships
2019 British Development Open 2019
BWL British Masters Championships
We are pleased to offer a number of ticketing options with individual session tickets available to purchase. Tickets can be purchased here, please note all British Weight Lifting members can take a advantage of a 15% discount.
A draft schedule is available to download here
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