England Committee: Vacancy - Athlete Representative
The England Committee of British Weight Lifting are seeking applicants for the vacant role of Athlete Representative.
Main Purpose of the Role
The England Athlete Representative shall actively lead in providing an effective platform where the views of English lifters are represented, and the voice of athletes can be heard by advising the England Committee on matters concerning England Weightlifting.
This is a part time, voluntary Committee role but all travel and reasonable expenses will be met.
The England Committee is made up of 10 individuals from diverse backgrounds and skillsets and currently has a vacancy for a current or former athlete.
Term of Role
An initial term of four years and then in line with England Committee Terms of Reference.
Key Responsibilities
- To act as the key athlete representative on the England Committee, a formal sub-committee of British Weight Lifting.
- To attend and prepare for the England Committee meetings.
- To consider athlete matters and requirements across all areas of England Weightlifting and Para-Powerlifting
- At all times make recommendations and provide advice based on the best interests of current and/or future England weightlifting and Para-Powerlifting athletes
- Bring matters to the attention of the England Committee for discussion and or recommendation.
- Proactively help provide an open two-way communication channel between BWL, England weightlifting and all its lifters.
Person Specification
- Must be someone who is a current or recently retired English qualified lifter with an understanding of the sport and current International and National landscape.
- Have ideally represented England in an International capacity or at a Commonwealth Games or Championships.
- Knowledge of and interest in Commonwealth Sport.
- Mature, responsible and measured personality, highest standards of integrity able to handle confidential information and conflicts of interest.
- Must be a character of good standing and ethically eligible for appointment with an appropriate track record and CV that would not or has not brought the sport into disrepute or previously contravened BWL codes of conduct. The individual has not previously been sanctioned for an anti-doping rule violation in relation to the World Anti-Doping Code in their sporting career whether as an athlete or in any other capacity.
About the England Committee
The England Committee is a formal sub-committee of British Weight Lifting and has been established to ensure an integrated approach to the development and growth of the sport in England across all levels and age groups. The England Group will provide expertise and oversight as to the work BWL undertakes in England and can both check and challenge current strategy around growing and developing the sport in England and influence and propose future strategies.
The England Group is there to support the Performance Committee in their responsibilities for strategic matters and issues relating to the development programme for Weight Lifting and Para-powerlifting in England, as well as the elite England lifters, ensuring maximum achievement at all future Commonwealth Games and other Championships requiring English representation, as well as having maximum representation in GBR squads.
The England Group will support the Commercial and Development Committee and advise on all aspects of the development of the sport in England, including competitions, membership, talent pathways, ensuring full alignment with the overall GBR Development pathway and elite programme. As it is not a policy or decision-making body, the England Group has no mandate, unless otherwise requested by the BWL Board to select Teams, Training Squads or Support staff at whatever level or age group.
Application and Selection Process
Individuals to forward a suitable cover letter and CV explaining why they believe they are suitable candidates for the role by close of play December 31 to the CEO at BWL. Contact details below.
If there is more than one application received, then BWL will launch a voting process for all eligible applicants in January 2021, allowing all active weightlifting members the opportunity to elect their preferred candidate. Further details will be available shortly.
The new representative will be appointed by the end of January 2021 latest.
Commitment to Equality
BWL is a recognised equal opportunities employer and positively encourages applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, belief and gender.
For further information please contact:
Ashley Metcalfe - CEO British Weight Lifting
E: Ashley.metcalfe@britshweightlifting.org
T: 0113 224 9402
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