BWL Anti-Doping Summary of Activities (2024)
As an organisation, we believe in clean sport for the integrity of the sport and to allow our athletes to compete in a fair sporting environment.
We continue to work with the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF), the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), World Para Powerlifting (WPPO), World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) in the fight against doping. We enforce a strict zero-tolerance approach to doping and conduct a full anti-doping programme that covers the vital areas of raising awareness, education, testing (both in and out of competition) and results management. We believe that education, as a prevention strategy, will help to promote the values of clean sport and preserve the spirit of the sport.
We continue to adhere to the UK National Anti-Doping Policy which was launched in April 2021. This is an essential document which sets out the roles and responsibilities of several organisations in the UK, including UK Anti-Doping (UKAD), the Sports Councils and National Governing Bodies. Launched alongside the 2021 Policy, the Assurance Framework is used by UKAD to assess NGB compliance against a number of mandatory requirements. We complete annual submissions providing information and evidence of our compliance with the Assurance Framework requirements. .
In line with UKAD regulations and the Assurance Framework we continue to review and amend where necessary our Clean Sport Education Strategy and Implementation Plan both of which have been reviewed and approved by UKAD. This strategy and plan helps us comply with the seven core components identified by UKAD. We continue to utilise the UKAD Clean Sport Hub to upload evidence and demonstrate our compliance to the regulations.
Following a deep-dive review of our anti-doping activities by UKAD in November 2024 we are making changes to the way in which we record and monitor athlete and athlete support personal education. These changes, along with a newly trained BWL anti-doping educator, will allow us to have a more proactive approach to education and we continue to work with UKAD support officers in the development of our new process.
Information Provision/Raising Awareness
Our website has been fully updated to include comprehensive clean sport information which is available to the full BWL audience. This includes the current UKAD and WADA rules and regulations, anti-doping rule violations, top tips for clean sport, the Prohibited List, checking medications, use of supplements, applying for a therapeutic use exemption (TUE), the testing process and how to report suspicions of doping.
We have continued to send specific information out to all our members and affiliated clubs on matters regarding anti-doping to keep everyone up to date on rules and regulations. Our Lift Clean Awareness online course, which is available free of charge to all current members, has continued to be promoted and members have been encouraged to take advantage of this training.
We continue to promote clean sport messages, remind members of the importance of anti-doping rules, how to report doping concerns and highlight the consequences of non-compliance via our social media channels.
Members are reminded about the rules whenever they enter BWL competitions as part of the entry process and we have banners on display at our physical competitions and distribute Clean Sport leaflets.
As part of our continued education provision in 2024 an additional BWL was fully trained as a UKAD Educator meaning that we can offer tailored, proactive education to our athletes and athlete support personnel.
As part of our education provision, throughout 2024 we have provided specific anti-doping education to a number of athletes and athlete support personnel as detailed below: These sessions have been delivered via online and in-person education events.
- 100% Me
- Introductory Workshop (Clean Sport Introduction)
- Clean Sport
- Major Games
- UKAD & WDA Awareness
- Checking Medications
- Food First/Supplements
- Testing Procedures
- TUEs
- The Prohibited List
- Reporting Doping
- Testing Pools
- Athlete Biological Passport
- Whereabouts
- Introductory Workshop (Clean Sport Introduction)
- Introductory Workshop (100% Me)
- Clean Sport
- Major Games
- ADEL Course for Paris 2024
- ADEL for International Athletes
- ADEL - Coaches of High Performance Education Programme
According to the report from UKAD on the National Anti-Doping Testing Programme, the following tests have been conducted from 1 January 2024 – 31 September 2024 (Oct-Dec 2024 are yet to be published) :
In Competition |
Out of Competition |
Total |
Weightlifting |
14 |
45 |
59 |
Para Powerlifting |
0 |
33 |
33 |
2025 Plan
As of the 1 January 2024, the International Weightlifting Federation’s (IWF) Member Federations are categorised based on the doping risk to the sport and are required to fulfil specific anti-doping requirements for athletes to be eligible to compete at the IWF World Junior Championships, IWF World Championships and the Olympic Games. The anti-doping requirements applicable for the Olympic Games shall apply exclusively during an Olympic year.
In the 2025 IWF guidelines for categorisation of member federations, BWL remain for a second year running a Category C. This means that there are no minimum testing or education requirements for our athletes to compete internationally. We already include the IWF education recommendations for Category C member federations and they remain in our Clean Sport Education Strategy and Implementation plan.
We will continue to work with UKAD support officers and implement the actions outlined in our implementation plan throughout 2025.
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