British Weight Lifting Member Survey
At British Weight Lifting we would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on being a member of BWL and the benefits it provides.
Recently we have released an online members survey to help get as much feedback as possible.
The thoughts and opinions of British Weight Lifting members are invaluable in helping us understand where we are doing well, as well as highlighting areas for improvement.
The responses from the survey are completely anonymous and confidential, so please feel free to be as open and honest as you want in your answers.
If you haven’t already completed this survey, and you’re a member of British Weight Lifting, please have your say.
You can access the survey via the link below
The survey will be available until 4 October 2019 but we would encourage you to fill this in at your earliest convenience.
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- Official Strategic Partner
- Official Strategic Partner
- Official Partner
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- Weight Lifting Foundation Charity
- Official Partner