Here we will endeavour to provide you with the latest COVID-19 updates from British Weight Lifting
Updated Return To Competition Guidance (Effective 26 July 2021`)
Following the postponement of competitions during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have now developed guidance and best practice for clubs and members to consider if they wish to return to running weightlifting competitions following the easing of lockdown restrictions in England. This guidance is based on current Government guidance and regulations to facilitate the safe running of physical competitions.
Return to Competition Guidance
Covid-19 Guidance (Effective 19 July 2021)
The Government's roadmap for the easing of lockdown restrictions in England is made up of
four steps. Step 4, which began on 19 July is now in force.
Please find a summary of the guidance for England and mitigations to keep your staff and members safe.
We have also provided the latest Coronavirus advise for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Updated Return To Competition Guidance (Effective 17 May 202`)
Following the postponement of competitions during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have now developed guidance and best practice for clubs and members to consider if they wish to return to running weightlifting competitions following the easing of lockdown restrictions in England. This guidance is based on current Government guidance and regulations to facilitate the safe running of physical competitions. Information includes: venue layout and general precautions, numbers of athletes/coaches/officials, arriving at a competition weigh-in, warm-up, competition format and after competition guidance.
Return to Competition Guidance
British Weight Lifting's outline of the roadmap for returning to sport – Step 3, (Effective 17 May 2021)
We have created a summary of the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown for England from 17 May.
With a number of details still to be confirmed, this information will remain subject to change as British Weight Lifting works to manage a safe and responsible return for our activities, however, we are keen to share as much detail as possible to support our clubs, volunteers, event organisers and other stakeholders in their planning.
British Weight Lifting COVID-19 Guide for Clubs (Effective 17 May 2021)
In light of further lockdown restrictions in England being eased further by the Government, we have updated our guidance for British Weight Lifting Clubs to allow them to provide them with the latest best practice for training, while ensuring the safety and well-being of anyone that enters their facility is considered.
British Weight Lifting COVID-19 Guide for Clubs (Updated 14 April 2021)
With gyms re-opening across England on 12 April, we have updated our guidance for British Weight Lifting Clubs to allow them to get back to training, while ensuring the safety and well-being of anyone that enters their facility is considered.
British Weight Lifting's outline of the roadmap for returning to sport – Step 2, 12 April 2021
We have created a summary of the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown for England from 12 April.
With a number of details still to be confirmed, this information will remain subject to change as British Weight Lifting works to manage a safe and responsible return for our activities, however, we are keen to share as much detail as possible to support our clubs, volunteers, event organisers and other stakeholders in their planning.
British Weight Lifting's outline of the roadmap for returning to sport – Step 1 (phase 2), 29 March 2021
We have created a summary of the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown for England from 29 March.
With a number of details still to be confirmed, this information will remain subject to change as British Weight Lifting works to manage a safe and responsible return for our activities, however, we are keen to share as much detail as possible to support our clubs, volunteers, event organisers and other stakeholders in their planning.
British Weight Lifting COVID-19 Guide for Clubs (updated 2 December 2020)
On 2 December, across all of England, regardless of tier, gyms and the wider leisure sector will re-open. We have updated our COVID-19 guide for clubs to include tier guidance post national lockdown 2.0 (December 2020).
Coronavirus: The new rules on groups (updated 10 September 2020)
Sport England have sought clarity on what the new rules on groups means for sport and physical activity, and while social gatherings of more than six people will be banned in England from 14 September, the government has confirmed that organised sports and activities that have been through return to play protocols can continue, as can organised outdoor sports and physical activity events such as parkrun, which is due to return next month.
People can also continue to use leisure facilities, including gyms and pools - classes within these venues can continue as they are now. People should not go to these venues socially in groups of more than six.
That's because these sports and activities have stringent plans in place to reduce the risk of Covid-19, and because these venues are classed as Covid-secure given the measures they’ve introduced.
British Weight Lifting are still exploring the impact on competitions and awaiting further Government clarity which we will share as soon as we receive guidance.
Updates on Competitions (updated 20 August 2020)
Following the postponement of competitions during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have now developed guidance and best practice for clubs and members to consider if they wish to return to running weightlifting competitions. This guidance is based on current Government guidance and regulations to facilitate the safe running of physical competitions. Information includes: venue layout and general precautions, numbers of athletes/coaches/officials, arriving at a competition weigh-in, warm-up, competition format and after competition guidance.
Return to Competition Guidance
Return to Competition Guidance Floorplan
Work Place Guidance ( Updated 22/10/2020)
Below we have published an example copy of a generic Risk Assessment for dealing with the current Covid-19 situation in the workplace. It is not likely to cover all scenarios and each employer should consider their own unique circumstances. Much more specific assessments, such as that for health care workers, may look quite different although many of the principles would still be relevant. To keep up to date with HSENI advice to workplaces in this fast changing situation click here
Example Work place Risk Assessment
Updated Guidance as of 31 July 2020
Yesterday the Government announced further local lockdown restrictions in the North West of England. Review the website using this link for full details: Government Advice - local lockdown restrictions
Updated Guidance as of 24 July 2020
Since new Government guidance in England was released allowing gyms to open on 25 July, we have updated our guide for British Weight Lifting Clubs to allow them to get back to training, while ensuring the safety and well-being of anyone that enters their facility is considered.
Considerations to make before returning to training (v2) - Guidance as of 25 November 2020
Following the full closure of the sector due to COVID-19 in March 2020, the role of this document is to provide guidance and best practice for British Weight Lifting Clubs to allow them to get back to training, while ensuring the safety and well-being of anyone that enters your facility is considered. This document sets out the framework for opening clubs during an ongoing period of "social distancing”. It also provides the basis for clubs to develop their own required risk mitigation guidance for members, staff and visitors now the Government has advised that facilities, or parts of facilities, can open.
All parties should note the disclaimer at the end of the document.
British Weight Lifting COVID-19 guide for re-opening clubs
Return to Training – Elite Lifters
Updated: 04/06/202
In response to the Government’s latest announcement around 'Stage 2 - return to elite sport training' on 01/June 2020, BWL continue to explore the requirements and is working extensively with Loughborough University and the English Institute of Sport to meet the Governments’ Covid Secure' standards required to open the BWL high performance facilities in Powerbase gym, and ensure the safety of all involved. However, at this time Powerbase facilities remain closed until further notice.
The NGB wishes to emphasise that it cannot rush into any decisions without ensuring our number one priority the health and safety of all involved, including our lifters, coaches, support staff and their families. We hope all our lifters and coaches appreciate the need for caution and patience.
At this stage BWL are keen to remind all its members and clubs that this guidance applies only to training for ‘elite’ athletes using BWLs High performance facilities in Powerbase gym. Reacting to the large number of enquiries received from the weightlifting network we feel the need to clarify the Government’s definition of “elite athletes”. With guidance from UK Sport, BWL can confirm that the following individuals are classified as ‘elite’ during this time:
- An athlete who in BWLs opinion is on-track to qualify for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic/Paralympic games
- An athlete who in BWLs opinion is on-track to win a medal at the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth games
- An athlete who is part of the BWL Para-Powerlifting WCP
BWL will confirm with athletes who are eligible to access facilities in due course and communicate further details for the re-opening of its elite training programmes in line with the reopening of Loughborough University Powerbase facilities in due course. In the meantime, BWL continues to provide regular virtual training opportunities for athletes on its Pathway to continue their development and connect with other pathway athletes and coaches.
Finally, BWL are keen to remind all its members and clubs that they should continue to follow specific government guidance provided by the Home Nation Governments in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. BWL aims to share more guidance for ‘return to training’ in-line with future government guidance that it is safe for them to do so.
Competition Updates
Due to the ongoing impact of Covid-19, a large number of British Weight Lifting competitions have been postponed, rearranged, or cancelled by the events teams. You can find more detailed information on each individual event by clicking on the links below.
British University & College Championships (Postponed)
English Age Group Championships (Rescheduled)
British Championships (Rescheduled)
Club Updates
Throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic, British Weight Lifting have been providing weekly Club Updates to gyms and facilities. These contain useful information on how clubs can prepare and adapt to the current situation as well developments that British Weight Lifting and others sports organisations are making to navigate through the crisis. Below you can find an archived copy of each newsletter.
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