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Continuing to learn and expand your skills, knowledge and understanding can help you move forward in your career and personal development.

We have developed a Kettlebell course that we believe provides the underpinning knowledge to successfully integrate kettlebell training into an individual’s training programme.

We are proud to work in partnership with the regulated awarding body Focus Awards to accredit our qualifications.

Please note: To complete BWL courses you may need access to Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word or equivalent.

Certification: Level 2 Award in Instructing Kettlebells 

 Is this course for me?

The content in this course focuses on how instructors can teach key kettlebell exercises safely and effectively, to clients of all abilities. We have combined the knowledge and experience of some of the leading coaches and instructors from across the country to produce a course that we believe provides the underpinning knowledge to successfully integrate kettlebell training into an individual’s training programme.

There are interactive activities throughout the course. These encourage improved learning and retention as well as providing evidence for some of the competencies that learners are required to complete the qualification. 

What will I learn?

Topics on the course include:

Kettlebell training theory

  • A brief history of kettlebell training
  • The benefits of kettlebell training
  • Choosing the correct kettlebell weight

Kettlebell training safety

  • How to create a safe training environment
  • Specific considerations for using kettlebells
  • Contraindications for kettlebell training
  • Prerequisites for kettlebell training

Warm up and cool down

  • Components of a warm up (including the BWL warm up)
  • Components of a cool down (including the BWL cool down)

Kettlebell exercises: the course focuses on single kettlebell exercises, which lay the foundations for more advanced kettlebell exercises that instructors may want to use in the future. Exercises covered on the course include:

  • The swing
  • The squat
  • The clean
  • The press
  • The jerk
  • The snatch
  • The get-up

British Weight Lifting have integrated a technical breakdown of the key positions for each kettlebell lift, which includes objective teaching points that can be used for any client, irrespective of their anthropometry. This section of the course also covers:

  • Lift Regressions and progressions
  • Videos and images of each lift

Programming fundamentals

  • A breakdown of key training principles
  • An overview of training variables and how they relate to kettlebell training

Planning a kettlebell training session

  • How to sequence kettlebell exercises when used is a single training mode in a programme
  • How to monitor training intensity effectively
  • How to integrate kettlebell exercises with other training modalities
  • How to utilise the BWL Teaching Process when instructing clients to perform kettlebell exercises

Assessment: This online course has no practical assessment. Learners are required to complete self-assessed activities throughout each section of the course, before completing a final online assessment. Once the assessment is successfully completed learners will receive a certificate.

What does the course qualify me to do?

The Level 2 Award in Instructing Kettlebells provides the underpinning knowledge to successfully integrate kettlebell training into an individual’s training programme.


Learners must hold a level 2 Fitness Instructing qualification, must be at least 16 years of age when booking and be able to communicate effectively in English.

Course delivery: E-learning only

Length of course: 8 - 12 hours

Standard Price: £145

Member Price: £138


Get your Online Level 2 Award in Instructing Kettlebells: BOOK NOW



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